Can't sleep? Let's talk.
Downtime With Rev. Mike
This podcast sits at the intersection of existential thought and human warmth. It’s a place to find a few quiet moments, guided by rambling about the universe as it is. Relax here. Fall asleep, even. It’s not about escaping the big questions but finding a sense of calm within them.
Ordained By The Internet
Yep, got my credentials online. And I’m not a “religious” reverend—I have an existentialist’s point of view. Those two thoughts might sound incompatible, but stay with me here. In existentialist terms, life is hard. Noisy. Restless. We can all use a bit of calm. That’s why we’re all are here at Downtime.
Attracting My Attention Lately
We all go down a rabbit hole now and again. Here are a few of my current diversions.
Will they end up as part of a podcast someday? You never know!
Railroad timetables
Robert W. Service
Star Wars
A Coffee in Berlin
Railroad timetables
Robert W. Service
Star Wars
A Coffee in Berlin
Good to Meet You!
Hey there, it’s Rev. Mike. I’m Internet-ordained with an existentialist point of view. This website is a companion to the “Downtime With Rev. Mike” podcast.
“Downtime” is a podcast for rambling stories, thoughts and a bit of space to find your calm, exactly as you are. No pressure, no “perfect life” talk. If you drift off to sleep while listening—excellent!
This website is a place for links to episodes, bonus posts, existentialist resources and a bit more. I hope you enjoy. I’m glad you’re here.